Friday, March 27, 2009

Treasured Memories Tree and critter die

I picked up my exclusive treasured memories 4x4 revolution quickutz die today I have so many ideas going on in my mind of ways to use it I am very excited.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bad Day

Its raining and snowing here today so its gloomy outside. I paid bills so I am broke again. I want to make some pages but I cant get motivated, I just cant seem to get with it today. I got my new dies from scrappyland yesterday THEY ARE AWSOME! I am going to make lots of easter cards to send to everyone, but not until tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vacation time

We had a good time in half moon bay even though it was rainy and windy it was so pleasant just to get away whiles someone else took care of the kids and dogs and house for us, My oldest daughter is very helpful she is so good to us when we need a break, We seen lighthouses, walked on the beach, went to pier 39 in san francisco and walked around, we went to santa cruz , we just had alot of alone time that we greatly needed, our next trip will be along the oregon coast line in April.

Friday, February 20, 2009


We are leaving tomorrow for Half Moon Bay for 3 days we are taking a much needed minni vacation.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

custom die

This is the treasured memories custom quickutz die here in Reno Nevada.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's day! Hope everyone is having a nice a day as we are its quiet the kids are all gone we are going to have a nice romantic dinner and watch a movie, We havent seen many new movies mostly kids shows lately so it will be fun for a change.